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About Us

CFPD is a board-based, volunteer-driven organization that brings local knowledge, experience, and a network of community relationships to its Board and committees.

" Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change  
  the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."       
-Margaret Mead

Meet The Team

Introducing the 2023-2024 Board of Directors


Executive Director

Kim Lavallee  


Marketing Administrative Assistant



Finance Assistant

Jo-Anne Inglis

2023-24 Committees


Executive Committee

Warren Neufeld  – Chair

Cathie McFarlane - Vice Chair

Ken Brennan - Past Chair

Doug Pedden – Treasurer
Executive Director


Chair of the Foundation will serve as Ex Officio on all committees.


Nominating Committee
Warren Neufeld – Committee Chair
Stephanie Verhoeven – Board Member

Ken Brennan - Board Member
Executive Director


Grants Committee
Ken Brennan – Committee Chair

Pat Nodrick - Board Member

Winnie Pauch– Community Volunteer

Delnora Rice – Community Volunteer

Bev Gradidge – Community Volunteer
Executive Director


Fund Development Committee
Sherrie Palmer – Committee Chair

Amy Chappellaz - Board Member

Ken Brennan - Board Member

Barry Greenberg - Board Member

Lynne Bereza - Community Volunteer

Executive Director

Governance Committee

Cathie McFarlane– Committee Chair

Amy Chappellaz - Board Member

Barry Greenberg - Board Member

Sherrie Palmer - Board Member
Executive Director



Investment and Finance

Cathie McFarlane- Committee Chair
Doug Pedden - Board Member

Garry Wright - Board Member
Executive Director



Awards and Bursaries Committee

Stephanie Verhoeven – Committee Chair

Pat Nodrick- Board Member
Carol Stewart -  Community Volunteer

Megan Sloik - Community Volunteer
Executive Director



Special Events

Lynne Bereza – Lead

Amy Chappellaz - Board Member
Cathie McFarlane - Board Member

Kim Lavallee - Executive Director



206 Saskatchewan Ave. E
Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0K9





Mon - Thurs :

9am - 2pm


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Mon - Thurs :

9am - 4pm

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