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Create an Endowment Fund

All donations to the Community Foundation of Portage & District are assigned to one or more endowed funds as directed by the donor.


An endowment is a fund that holds its principal in perpetuity and is invested to generate income to be spent for a specific purpose; in this case to support non-profit organizations to improve the quality of life in Portage la Prairie & District.


Each endowed fund is pooled with all other endowments, then invested together to ensure the highest possible rate of return.  Donors have the option of setting up their own named endowed fund which can support their favourite cause in perpetuity.

Types of Funds

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Smart & Caring Community Fund

(Undesignated Fund)

This fund allows the Community Foundation of Portage & District Board of Directors to decide where the earnings, "community grants",  can be used most effectively each year. This fund provides flexibility in responding to the ever-changing needs of our community


General Donations                                 No Minimum

Undesignated Named Fund               Minimum $5,000 for Initial Contribution

Field of Interest Fund

This type of fund allows the donor to identify the general area of interest for the earnings, "community grants" to be directed and the Board selects appropriate organizations and projects each year that fulfill those wishes.


Donations to Existing Funds                No Minimum

Field of Interest Named Fund              Minimum $5,000 for Initial Contribution

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Designated Fund

The donor specifies one or more charitable beneficiaries and each year the earnings are directed in accordance with the donor's wishes. Adjustments can be made to maintain the donor’s intent should a specified charity change names, purpose, or no longer be in existence. Awards and Bursaries are considered Designated Funds.


Donations to Existing Funds               No Minimum

Designated Name Fund                         Minimum $5,000 for Initial Contribution

Donor Advised Fund

This fund provides the donor with the ability to advise the Foundation each year regarding the charitable organization(s) that will benefit from the fund earnings. The agreement can provide a general direction and the Foundation will research and provide options to the donor if they wish.


Donations to Existing Funds              No Minimum

Donor Advised Named Fund              Minimum $25,000 for Initial Contribution

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Here to Help

The Foundation is happy to assist in creating an Endowed Fund specific to your wishes. Whether it supports your favourite charity, assists with providing unrestricted grants for community betterment, or provides scholarships, bursaries, or awards for Portage & District students, the fund will reflect your passion for your community.


Contact the Foundation to learn more about Endowed Funds or phone 204-856-1971


206 Saskatchewan Ave. E
Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0K9





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